We offer high quality and affordable training that is practical and tailored to meet your organisations needs. Our training courses can be delivered in your workplace or at our training centre and are delivered by experts in the field of learning disability and autism.
We can deliver training to large or small groups (often larger groups can provide a more cost effective option for your organisation).
We currently have the following courses available to your organisation:
• What is a learning disability – “I’m a person too!”
• Autism
• How to support people with learning disabilities and/or autism on Work Choice/Work Programmes
• Mental Capacity Act
• Easy Read
• Safeguarding vulnerable adults
• Communication
• Person Centred Planning
• Person Centred Reviews
• Person Centred Train the Trainer
• Money Management
We can tailor services, training and accessible information to meet the needs of your organisation or the individual requirements of the people who use your services.
I’m A Person Too went on to win a prestigious National Training Award and is nationally known for delivering quality training which is impact assessed to show the difference it makes. To find out more visit www.imapersontoo.org.uk
See what we can do for you!
For more information you can email team@friendlyinformation.org.uk
Information Standard
The Friendly Information Company holds the Information Standard. This means that if we show the logo on any of our leaflets or DVDs then it has been checked very carefully by us to make sure it is clear, accurate and up to date. We are one of the few organisations who have met the very high standards to allow us to use the logo, which is fantastic! If you want to commission us to make accessible information which meets this standard then get in touch.
The un-friendly legal bit:
The Friendly information Company shall hold responsibility for the accuracy of the information they publish and neither the Scheme Operator nor the Scheme Owner shall have any responsibility whatsoever for costs, losses or direct or indirect damages or costs arising from inaccuracy of information or omissions in information published on the website on behalf of The Friendly information Company.
The following user-generated information is excluded from the scope of certification: weblogs, forums and personal experience pages – except where personal experience pages have been produced through a systematic process of validation.